Wednesday, April 27, 2011

*Praise the Lord....It's Offical*

  Well it is official! As of today we are officially adoptive parents in waiting!! I can't begin to express what joy this brings me! It  means we are one step closer to the child that God has for us. The thought of this little one out there waiting for two loving parents to take care of them makes me dream of the day when we will get to meet. God is so good. I know this because He proves His faithfulness over and over again. I am so excited I could just jump up and down screaming Hallelujah!! It I wasn't at work right now typing this I probably would too!!

 As I am sitting here feeling like a kid on Christmas morning I am starting to think about the kind of parent I will be. I know I am going to take one look at this baby and fall completely in love. I can't help but wonder what they are going to look like! Will they be blonde headed with blue eyes or brown with green or brown with brown? I could think about it all day! I can't believe that I  actually get to call myself a parent and introduce this baby as my child.  So this week I will be putting together a diaper bag, picking out clothes, and making sure we know how to put the car seat properly in the car. That could be funny to watch. You should have seen us putting it together. I think even the dogs thought we were crazy. We never know when we will get a call so we must be prepared at all times. This is going to be one of the most exciting times in our life and I am determined to enjoy every moment.

 We just want to say thank you for all of you who continually keep us in your prayers it means more to us than you could possibly know. This week we are believing for an easy adoption process and for a quick match. I will let you know more when I do!! Hope you have a blessed day!! :)


  1. YAY!!! I know you are excited!! This news has made my day!! I am so excited for you guys. . . I can't wait either!!!

  2. So exciting!!!!! Can't wait to meet your child!!!

  3. You and Landon will make fantastic parents. So so excited to meet your new baby. Love you guys.

  4. Yay!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I can't wait to meet your little child!!!! :) I know you'll be great parents!

  5. That's AWESOME news!!!!!!! I'm so happy and excited for you both and the journey of parenthood you are fixing to take!!

  6. this is so awsome. praise god praise god. im so happy. i been praying before your precious dad died. he called and asked me to pray. he wanted so bad to live to see your baby but god had other plans. but i think he will know when you get it because i think he is looking down on you and rodney and the grankids and me. at times i can feel his presence. would you let me know when you get it. do you know if it will be boy or girl. i want to order it some new clothes. im so excited, so i know how you and landen feels.would you come over and let me hold my new great grand baby. you and landen will make the best parents in the world. oh my precious grandaughter i love you and landen with all my heart and soul.please let me hear from you.your nanna
