Thursday, March 24, 2011

*Something Old, Nothing New*

Spring is in the air!! Oh how I love this cool/hot season. Birds are chirping, trees are blooming, and the windows are always up! Speaking of windows I do have a small complaint about having to listen to trains all night long!! Seriously do you have to blow your engine at 3:00 a.m every single morning?

Starting in a few weeks Landon will be playing softball in a league out at Ben Geren Park. I started playing America's favorite past time around the age of 5 and fell completely in love with this sport. There are still times when I would love to get out there and crush a ball into the outfield while running my legs off to beat the throw to home. As I have gotten older the time to even think about playing has become few and far between. Some of my best memories are of my dad screaming from first base to keep running and my mom jumping up in down while almost losing control of her bladder because of the excitement! We took family vacations but most of the time it was based around where I was playing ball that weekend! This was totally fine with me I got to do what I loved and enjoy the activities in the area! I am so thankful for parents who supported me and allowed me to play sports. I hope that my children like sports so I can wear a shirt that says #24's mom and spend my days getting sunburned! My mom use to never go to the tanning bed because all she needed was one weekend of us playing ball. 
 Landon if you read this you can let the boys have your dull number 15 and the girls get the number of a champion 24!

I truly believe you weren't a great ball player unless you had a nickname! Some of the best names were found while scraping our knees going for a foul or from sitting on the bench while our team batted away! I know girls who are still referenced by those names. I am one of those girls. Nope my nickname never faded out. It has however changed versions depending on which member of my family or friends you ask. To my dad, friends, and coaches it was simply Boonya, my mom Boonie Spoonie, my bro Boondog, my nieces Boonda (couldn't quit get the ya sound so it was replaced with the da) and to my husband Boon.  I assure you they all know my name is Cortney but very rarely do or did you hear that around my house, ballfield, and yes even school. I've already started thinking of a few names to call our kids. We will see what sticks and what stinks! lol!

*Adoption update*: In my last post I stated there was so much I wanted to say but couldn't yet. Well just forget all about that it didn't work out. :( We were suppose to be officially open as of 2wks ago but due to our homestudy guy not turning in our report that didn't happen. I actually knew nothing about what was going until today and the 5th e-mail that I had to send to get a response. Yes, I sent 5 e-mails in 2wks and as of today I was determined to send one everyday until they answered me. Persistance paid off because our caseworker finally contacted us back only to say we will be open by Monday! What that officially means I couldn't tell you but I do know it makes us one more step closer. My emotions have been running high this week just because no one would answer my questions!! I will let you know more as soon as I do! Hope you have a blessed week! Praying for a good response on Monday! :0)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

*Today's Useless Knowledge....*

 So I have this gadget on my google page at work that says "Useless Knowledge". Every so many minutes it posts some new uselessness. At this point in time we can't decide if we walk away feeling smarter or just like we ran into a door while looking the other direction. I decided some of this uselessness was worth blogging about so to make your day I will post a few. You can decide for yourselves if you feel smarter or not.

1) Never crush a wasp after it stings you. It's stinger lets off a scent that signals other wasps to come sting whatever is in the area even after it's death.

2) Male swans are the only birds that have a male genital part.

3) War II, the free-tailed bat caves near San Antonio were guarded closely as part of top-secret Operation X-ray. The U.S. military attempted to train the bats to carry small incendiary bombs and release them in Japanese buildings. During one test, bat bomb carriers escaped and set fire to barracks and a general’s car. The project was later scrapped.

4) Mozart once composed a piano piece that required a player to use two hands and his nose in order to hit all the correct notes.

5) Babies have tastebuds all over the insides of their mouths not just on their tongues. Adults and children do not have tastebuds on the middle of their tongues.

6) The sound a camel makes is called nuzzing.

7) From the early Roman Empire until eighteenth-century Europe and America, urine was a main ingredient in toothpaste, because the ammonia in it is an excellent cleaner. Ammonia is still a main ingredient in many types of toothpaste.

8) A rat can go without water longer than a camel can.

9) A rat can fall from a 5-story building without injury.

10)  It takes 3,000 cows to supply a single season’s worth of footballs for the National Football League.

Do you feel smarter yet? Hope you have a blessed day full of useless knowledge to share!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

*Good News!*

I have some exciting news to share with you all!!! As of yesterday our HOME STUDY is complete!! We should be open to receive a waiting child very soon!! Praise God!! We have such an awesome testimony to tell everyone about but as of right now we can't go into too much detail. I can tell you though that the Lord is faithful! Did you know that the Lord wants to show out in your life if you would just let Him? Well this has been a true revelation for me these past couple of weeks. As soon as I made the decision to let go and let God do His thing He has proven Himself faithful every time. All it takes is a little obedience and crucifying of the flesh. Just like Pastors always say it Pays more than it Costs to obey.

I guess I could give you a little more detail instead of just leaving you hanging. This is the short version minus major details but enough for you to know this was the Lord's doing not mine. So here goes.....we have been trying to get our home study since January 13th but no one ever contacted us so we called our case worker and when she sent our information to the home study man it got lost in translation...Imagine that stupid devil...well as of yesterday we were contacted by 2 case workers....and we were contacted by the home study guy.....he was at our house in 20 minutes....In the Natural this is unheard of...Doesn't happen...But I know who was behind it! MY GOD! He has great plans for us and for the child that is suppose to be ours.

Right now we are praying for the right child at the exact time that the Lord wants us to meet. So much I wish I could say but this will give you a reason to check back! Hope you have a blessed day!!