Wednesday, April 27, 2011

*Praise the Lord....It's Offical*

  Well it is official! As of today we are officially adoptive parents in waiting!! I can't begin to express what joy this brings me! It  means we are one step closer to the child that God has for us. The thought of this little one out there waiting for two loving parents to take care of them makes me dream of the day when we will get to meet. God is so good. I know this because He proves His faithfulness over and over again. I am so excited I could just jump up and down screaming Hallelujah!! It I wasn't at work right now typing this I probably would too!!

 As I am sitting here feeling like a kid on Christmas morning I am starting to think about the kind of parent I will be. I know I am going to take one look at this baby and fall completely in love. I can't help but wonder what they are going to look like! Will they be blonde headed with blue eyes or brown with green or brown with brown? I could think about it all day! I can't believe that I  actually get to call myself a parent and introduce this baby as my child.  So this week I will be putting together a diaper bag, picking out clothes, and making sure we know how to put the car seat properly in the car. That could be funny to watch. You should have seen us putting it together. I think even the dogs thought we were crazy. We never know when we will get a call so we must be prepared at all times. This is going to be one of the most exciting times in our life and I am determined to enjoy every moment.

 We just want to say thank you for all of you who continually keep us in your prayers it means more to us than you could possibly know. This week we are believing for an easy adoption process and for a quick match. I will let you know more when I do!! Hope you have a blessed day!! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

*And the verdict is...*

  We are still not open. Yep, I said it once again we are still waiting for the approval. After my last post I stated we would be open by that following Monday. WRONG! I received an e-mail exactly 1 hour from my post that let us know they lost some of the paperwork we had turned in at the end of October. They also sent us new forms in the mail to fill out  and send back. I did however send an e-mail asking when we would "officially" be opened but as usually no response. Can you tell I am starting to get down about this whole situation? When we started this process we were told constantly how difficult working with the state was but I never realized it until now. We hear all the time how they need homes for these kids and people need to step up. Well what do you have to say to those who are stepping up but can't get anywhere with your system? I have also heard several people tell us that adoptive parents aren't their priority. Why not? Don't they need permanent homes too?

         If we didn't feel as if this is where the Lord has led us then you better believe I would have quit a long time ago. Anyone who knows me will agree that I am pretty persistant but I can be just as patient as I need to be. I have tried to instill in my mind that patience is a virtue. As I am writing this the Lord just reminded me that He is patient with us, always loving, and forgiving. As his child I am freely able to run to the throne to receive grace in my life regarding patience with receiving our children. I guess you could say that Easter is coming up soon and the devil keeps reminding me that it will be another holiday without a family of my own. The thought of possibly getting to watch our kids hunt for eggs or filling a Easter basket with goodies makes me want them so much more.

      I am so thankful for such great friends and family who have allowed us to love on their kids all these years. It has filled a huge whole in my heart. Even though they aren't technically mine I call each of them my own. No matter what they are all my kids to some extent. I would do for them what I plan on doing for my own someday. I pray that in some small way we can impact their lives in this big world. For now I will simply be content being the best Aunt Cort or Boonda that I can possibly be to all those little ones I love so much. They fill my heart with so much joy!
                       I hope you have a blessed day...sorry for venting! :)