Thursday, March 17, 2011

*Today's Useless Knowledge....*

 So I have this gadget on my google page at work that says "Useless Knowledge". Every so many minutes it posts some new uselessness. At this point in time we can't decide if we walk away feeling smarter or just like we ran into a door while looking the other direction. I decided some of this uselessness was worth blogging about so to make your day I will post a few. You can decide for yourselves if you feel smarter or not.

1) Never crush a wasp after it stings you. It's stinger lets off a scent that signals other wasps to come sting whatever is in the area even after it's death.

2) Male swans are the only birds that have a male genital part.

3) War II, the free-tailed bat caves near San Antonio were guarded closely as part of top-secret Operation X-ray. The U.S. military attempted to train the bats to carry small incendiary bombs and release them in Japanese buildings. During one test, bat bomb carriers escaped and set fire to barracks and a general’s car. The project was later scrapped.

4) Mozart once composed a piano piece that required a player to use two hands and his nose in order to hit all the correct notes.

5) Babies have tastebuds all over the insides of their mouths not just on their tongues. Adults and children do not have tastebuds on the middle of their tongues.

6) The sound a camel makes is called nuzzing.

7) From the early Roman Empire until eighteenth-century Europe and America, urine was a main ingredient in toothpaste, because the ammonia in it is an excellent cleaner. Ammonia is still a main ingredient in many types of toothpaste.

8) A rat can go without water longer than a camel can.

9) A rat can fall from a 5-story building without injury.

10)  It takes 3,000 cows to supply a single season’s worth of footballs for the National Football League.

Do you feel smarter yet? Hope you have a blessed day full of useless knowledge to share!!


  1. I AM feeling smarter. You never know when you could use this info. Maybe on Jeopardy!!! or at least in my living room schooling Tom in Jeopardy! :)

  2. You just never know what board game some of these facts may show up in!!

  3. I love useless knowledge! You can pull it out at the right moment and people think you are really smart! Haha! :)
